Moisture Testing Service In Auckland

1. Pre-purchase home moisture testingMoisture Testing

2. Damp basement moisture tests

3. Leaky home building testing

4. Post-flood drying test

Protect your family’s Health and Safety. 

Building moisture ranks near the top of the most common problems found during home inspections. Therefore, it is safe to say that moisture-related issues are among the most noticeable.

If your home has a moisture problem, you need a home moisture test specialist to have the idea and call Steam ‘n’ Dry Moisture Testing Auckland Services to find your issues accurately. Also, we offer a free price plan for cost-effective repairs.

After a flood, well-meaning but uninformed people often think, ‘The surface looks and feels dry. Therefore, it must be dry. Usually, it is a severe mistake because floodwater gets right into everything. These include behind skirting boards, jib, wall cavities, flooring, and dry carpet. The surfaces may appear dry with home dehumidifiers or fans. However, the real problem is the hidden moisture that cannot be seen. Thus, it will continue to cause mould to grow where you can’t see, resulting in damaged and rotting areas, long-term mould, and a persistent odour. It’s essential to get your carpets, flooring and wall cavities dried by flood restoration experts. Thus, call Steam ‘n’ Dry Moisture Testing Auckland Services on 0800 783-266,

Moisture Meter Probe Tests Service In Auckland

Moisture probes and no evasive moisture meters help test inside the building material or structure. Thus, Auckland Steam ‘n’ Dry follows the Department of Natural Resources and a certified IICRC Flood Resources. Indeed, we are servicing North Shore, West, East and South Auckland City.

Auckland Steam ‘n’ Dry specialises in moisture testing and drying services, providing comprehensive solutions to address and mitigate moisture-related issues. We can offer you the honest and reliable buying home check and home moisture testing services you need. Indeed, call Moisture Testing Auckland Services today on 0800 783-266 or by email.

Moisture Testing and Removal

Excess moisture can result in various issues, including unpleasant odours, framing decay, structural damage from pests, foundation movement, and the development of irritating allergies and mould.” Some moulds can be cancer-causing. Indeed, mould grows wherever it can find food and water, as food sources are in buildings. The mould growth generally shows the excess home moisture test level, possibly due to leaking water pipes, flooding, and building material. 

Mould releases toxins, which result in health effects, including:

  • allergies
  • asthma and other breathing disorders
  • sore throat
  • skin problems
  • fatigue
  • headache

Indeed, our professional team can help with your moisture problem.

Updated Last: 08 November 2024. By Graeme Stephens. (IICRC Master Technician)

Copyright @2025. Auckland Steam `n Dry Ltd.

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