P Meth Cleaning

Meth P Cleaning Auckland Services

meth p cleaning

We offer the Best Value P Cleaning Service with a full Guarantee throughout Auckland and New Zealand regions. Here’s how:

Premium Equipment

Auckland Steam ‘n’ Dry 1987 uses the world-recommended superior, powerful truck-mounted P cleaning system. Therefore, it uses a modified heating system of 95°C hot steam at the point of contact. As a result, it safely removes the meth deep within porous surfaces. Also, it exhausts the meth outside safely into the air and filter system—the essential part of the methamphetamine cleaning P process.

Of course, the (EPA) Environmental Protection USA Agency and their expert Meth P Cleaners in the USA play a crucial role in setting industry standards. Unfortunately, most New Zealand meth cleaning often misses this critical part of the meth cleaning process. Instead, some use only cheap gear, leaving residues and meth behind.

For more information on adequate P cleaning gear or to receive a free Methamphetamine clean remediation recommendation and quotation, please email us at meth-decon@steam-n-dry.co.nz.

Meth P Cleaning Experience

Graeme Stephens was certified by the IICRC 2001 to the highest “Master Restoration Technician standard.”  With over 36 years of clean restoration experience, eight of those years prioritised Meth remediation.

We have meth decontamination cleaners with more than 15 years of experience in meth cleaning. Therefore, they are believed to be more qualified.

We can decontaminate soft furnishings, such as carpets and curtains, depending on the levels in the property. Indeed, the Steam ‘n’ Dry Meth House Cleaning and Decontamination Auckland Service process leaves the paint surface pores open in preparation for our clean meth foam and fog treatments. Also, we are using Crystal Decon Cleaning Meth Remover, which best penetrates the surface pores. The result is a better cleanup, better retest results, and a dryer property.

Crystal P Cleaning Products

The most effective meth-specialised cleaner products, Crystal Decon Clean or Meth Remover, are available worldwide. When applied correctly and deep into the paint pores, it draws out while neutralising the meth contamination before the crystal fogging and significant air-scrubbing processes begin.

Meth P Cleaning Guarantee

Additionally, using the best truck-mount gear, the above products, and our leading experience, we can guarantee to clean up your home or premises with our superior P cleaning process so that all house areas are retested below the NZ health guidelines. Suppose a retest finds any sites not below instructions. In that case, we will return and redo the functional room without further charge per our guarantee—P Cleaning is guaranteed in North Shore, West, East and South Auckland City.

For more information on our guarantee, email us to receive a free Meth P House Cleaning and Remediation plan with a quote: email your test results.

COVID-19 Coronavirus Clean Auckland

Since 1987, Steam ‘n’ Dry Auckland Cleaners have amassed extensive experience in sanitisation and decontamination services, encompassing biohazard, smoke, soot cleaning, mould remediation, sanitisation treatments, and methamphetamine (meth) decontamination. This wealth of expertise empowers us with the knowledge and skills to effectively clean and sterilise homes and offices, ensuring protection against COVID-19 and other contaminants. Steam ‘n’ Dry Auckland Services are best equipped.

COVID-19 post-travel or added precautionary measures, quarantine and isolation rooms, homes, and offices.

Steam ‘n’ Dry Coronavirus Cleanup Auckland Service team has suitable PPE, including P95 respirator masks and gloves. Please ask the office or carpet cleaner if our Auckland Carpet Cleaner is not wearing a COVID-19 mask or gloves, and you would feel more comfortable if he was. However, that rarely happens.

Thus, ask about Auckland Steam ‘n’ Dry sanitisation and spray application treatments available for upholstery, mattresses, curtains, carpets, etc.

P Cleaning Process

Basic Sample Of Recommendations

1. Supply test and questionnaire for the remediation plan.

2. Carpet and curtains. Either disposal or powerful truck mounts cleaning P options.

3. Dry cleaning. H 13 filter or truck mount extraction.

4. Also, polyphosphate P Cleaning.

5. Truck mount hot steam cleaning in preparation for the meth treatment.

6. Either Crystal Decon Clean Foam or Apple Meth Remover treatments.

8. Fogging with Crystal Decon Clean Foam for hard-to-reach areas and attic spaces.

9. Rinse P Clean.

10. Air Scrubbing Industrial Dehumidifiers.

11. Appliances options – disposal or decontamination.

12. Meth Testing.

13.  5 – 15 page detailed Meth Cleansed Report Certificate.

Thus, see Auckland Steam n Dry feedback with Meth  P cleaning reviews.

Meth affects the indoor air quality, which your family also has to breathe.

Indeed, Graeme Stephens provides these p clean tips. An IICRC Certified For the p clean experts, call 0800 783-266 or email Auckland Steam n Dry—service areas of North Shore, West, East and South Auckland City.


Updated last: 15 May 2024. By Graeme Stephens


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